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Bibliografia completa

The Alchemist (1908)
Ashes (with C. M. Eddy Jr.; 1923)
At the Mountains of Madness (February-22 March 1931)
Azathoth (June 1922)
The Battle that Ended the Century (with R. H. Barlow; June 1934)
The Beast in the Cave (21 April 1905)
Beyond the Wall of Sleep (1919)
The Book (late 1933?)
The Call of Cthulhu (Summer 1926)
The Case of Charles Dexter Ward (January-1 March 1927)
The Cats of Ulthar (15 June 1920)
Celephaïs (early November 1920)
The Challenge from Beyond (with C. L. Moore; A. Merritt; Robert E. Howard
and Frank Belknap Long; August 1935)
Collapsing Cosmoses (with R. H. Barlow; June 1935)
The Colour Out of Space (March 1927)
Cool Air (March 1926)
The Crawling Chaos (with Winifred V. Jackson; 1920/21)
The Curse of Yig (with Zealia Bishop; 1928)
Dagon (July 1917)
Deaf Dumb and Blind (with C. M. Eddy Jr.; 1924?)
The Descendant (1926?)
The Diary of Alonzo Typer (with William Lumley; October 1935)
The Disinterment (with Duane W. Rimel; September 1935)
The Doom That Came to Sarnath (3 December 1919)
The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath (Autumn? 1926-22 January 1927)
The Dreams in the Witch House (January-28 February 1932)
The Dunwich Horror (Summer 1928)
The Electric Executioner (with Adolphe de Castro; 1929?)
The Evil Clergyman (October 1933)
Ex Oblivione (1920/21)
Facts Concerning the Late Arthur Jermyn and His Family (1920)
The Festival (October 1923)
From Beyond (16 November 1920)
The Ghost-Eater (with C. M. Eddy Jr.; 1923)
The Green Meadow (with Winifred V. Jackson; 1918/19)
The Haunted House (1898/1902; nonextant)
The Haunter of the Dark (November 1935)
He (11 August 1925)
Herbert West - Reanimator (September 1921-mid 1922)
History of the Necronomicon (1927)
The Horror at Martin's Beach (with Sonia H. Greene; June 1922)
The Horror at Red Hook (1-2 August 1925)
The Horror in the Burying-Ground (with Hazel Heald; 1933/35)
The Horror in the Museum (with Hazel Heald; October 1932)
The Hound (September 1922)
Hypnos (March 1922)
Ibid (1928?)
In the Vault (18 September 1925)
In the Walls of Eryx (with Kenneth Sterling; January 1936)
John the Detective (1898/1902; nonextant)
The Last Test (with Adolphe de Castro; 1927)
Life and Death (1920?; lost)
The Little Glass Bottle (1897)
The Loved Dead (with C. M. Eddy Jr.; 1923)
The Lurking Fear (November 1922)
The Man of Stone (with Hazel Heald; 1932)
Medusa's Coil (with Zealia Bishop; May 1930)
Memory (1919)
The Moon-Bog (March 1921)
The Mound (with Zealia Bishop; December 1929-early 1930)
The Music of Erich Zann (December 1921)
The Mysterious Ship (1902)
The Mystery of the Grave-Yard (1898)
The Mystery of Murdon Grange (1918; nonextant)
The Nameless City (January 1921)
The Night Ocean (with R. H. Barlow; Autumn? 1936)
The Noble Eavesdropper (1897?; nonextant)
Nyarlathotep (early December 1920)
Old Bugs (1919)
The Other Gods (14 August 1921)
Out of the Aeons (with Hazel Heald; 1933)
The Outsider (1921)
Pickman's Model (1926)
The Picture (1907; nonextant)
The Picture in the House (12 December 1920)
Poetry and the Gods (with Anna Helen Crofts; 1920)
Polaris (May? 1918)
The Quest of Iranon (28 February 1921)
The Rats in the Walls (August-September 1923)
A Reminiscence of Dr. Samuel Johnson (1917)
The Secret of the Grave (1898/1902; nonextant)
The Secret Cave or John Lees Adventure (1898)
The Shadow Out of Time (November 1934-March 1935)
The Shadow Over Innsmouth (November?-3 December 1931)
The Shunned House (16-19 October 1924)
The Silver Key (1926)
The Statement of Randolph Carter (December 1919)
The Strange High House in the Mist (9 November 1926)
The Street (1920?)
Sweet Ermengarde (1917)
The Temple (1920)
The Terrible Old Man (28 January 1920)
The Thing in the Moonlight (spurious)
The Thing on the Doorstep (21-24 August 1933)
Through the Gates of the Silver Key (with E. Hoffmann Price; October 1932-April 1933)
"Till A' the Seas" (with R. H. Barlow; January 1935)
The Tomb (June 1917)
The Transition of Juan Romero (16 September 1919)
The Trap (with Henry S. Whitehead; late 1931)
The Tree (1920)
The Tree on the Hill (with Duane W. Rimel; May 1934)
Two Black Bottles (with Wilfred Blanch Talman; July-October 1926)
Under the Pyramids (with Harry Houdini; February-March 1924)
The Unnamable (September 1923)
The Very Old Folk (2 November 1927)
What the Moon Brings (5 June 1922)
The Whisperer in Darkness (24 February-26 September 1930)
The White Ship (November 1919)
Winged Death (with Hazel Heald; 1933)

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