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PB International: Chief Editors Wanted

As you probably know already, if you are reading these lines, Progetto Babele is a free literary magazine.
The site counts now 130630464 visits and the magazine distributes (in PDF format) about 2'000 copies each issue.
The potential of PB (because I believe it has a great potential) is mainly due to its double nature of website and literary magazine.
But one of its main limits is the fact that's only available in Italian.

That's why I am searching for not-Italian writers and journalist interested in creating what I could call a PB network all over Europe (and maybe not only Europe).

Before going further, I think it is very important to repeat once again that PB is totally no-profit, all the work is done by volunteers and no payment is given to anyone in any form. Maybe, one day, literature will “pay” and we will be able to pay the people who help us and the young writers we present on the magazine, but nowadays... definitely it isn't so!

Now that this point has been clarified, we can move ahead: what kinda of help are we searching for?

Well, the plan is still a bit vague, but my idea is to create different branches of the magazine, all of them built with the same scheme (magazine plus website presenting short stories, articles and reviews) but independent and each one written in a different language.
Not just a translation of PB, but real, independent magazines like i.e. PB UK edition, PB French Edition and so on.
Even if some of the articles could be translations of material already published in the Italian edition, most part of the writings presented (poems, short stories, reviews, translations, articles, etc.) will be original and produced in the language the magazine will be published in.
For each language area there will be a specific section on the website (i.e. progettandogliele/uk ,, etc.).
I will still be the webmaster, and the site will be similar to the Italian version for: colors, sub-sections and graphics BUT all the material presented will be chosen by the chief editor of the related sub/magazine.

So, who is the ideal candidate to the position of chief editor for PB International?

1 He/she must be mother tongue in one of the following languages: English, Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Russian. Other languages can, of course, be taken in consideration, if I will find the right people.
2 He/she must have a great passion for books and literature and lots of free time. We do not search necessarily professionals, but a formal instruction in literature or philosophy or journalism is a good bonus. University students or high school teacher are normally our best candidates.
3 He/she must accept that... we work for free! (As everyone else dealing with PB) Of course, being just a hobby, when we talk about work, we also imply no obligations. Real job, family, friends and personal matters come before PB for anyone of the editors working on it. We have no real dead lines and we should always try to have fun while working on this project. If cooperating with PB becomes some extra job or an unnecessary weight, I strongly suggest to take a break. Life implies already enough duties without adding one more!
4 He/she should know a bit about IT, something about websites and a bit more about publishing software.

Any chief editor will be in charge of:

1 Creating and coordinating a little team of editors;
2 Selecting and editing enough material for 2/3 issues a year of the magazine (short stories, articles, reviews, poems);
3 Picking and editing the material to be published on the website. I will do the actual webmastering, but all the writings and the pictures should be given to me ready for publications.
4 Physically prepare the PDF of the magazine.

It is very important to remember once again that:

1 PB is a no profit project, therefore no money can derive from the activity of chief editor. Anyway PB will use all its resources to be sure that the artistic production of anyone of his editors receives the maximum evidence. In a word, we do our best to help them on the (hard) way of fame...
2 Despite all what above, we MIGHT accept sponsorships, as sometimes done in the past, but only in special circumstances and only if they came from serious companies or public organizations or foundations related to culture or book publishing and, anyway, before accepting to insert add or payment articles/review, it is required the authorization of the founder of PB and webmaster, Marco R. Capelli.

For any info, please write to:

I will also be very glad to anyone who will translate in other languages this page.

VISITE: 30.272
dal 12/09/06
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